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Healing starts here

I help people with substance use disorders address underlying issues that are keeping them stuck and preventing them from feeling fully alive in sobriety.  


The road of addiction can be a lonely and painful journey.  Sobriety can bring a new freedom and happiness, but at times you wonder why you still feel stuck.  


You have been sober for a while and can’t understand why you still don’t seem to be happy and content.  Resentment and depression can still plague you at times.


At times you feel detached and still lack that sense of connection.  It seems like others around you are thriving but you can’t understand why you aren’t experiencing the same joy.  


You feel like something is missing in your recovery.  Deep down you know that you want more, but you feel stuck and don’t know how to break past certain barriers. 


…… have hit a roadblock. You continue to feel checked out, depressed, and even lonely at times. You can’t seem to find the peace and contentment that you are searching for in sobriety. 


You continue to see yourself engaging in other addictive behaviors such as overeating, shopping, or mindless scrolling on social media just to check out.  You laugh, and say once an addict always an addict but really wonder why you continue to have these same destructive patterns.  




Whether you are just starting out on your sober journey or you have years in recovery and are looking for more, I am committed to helping you to grow in your healing journey while creating more overall wellness in your life. 

Image by Kai Oberhäuser
Individual Therapy
IFS Healing Circles 

Heal with others in sacred circle using IFS Healing Circles.  Trained under the guise of Chris Burris, M.Ed., LMFT, Creating Healing Circles, healing circles present a unique opportunity to heal in community while learning how to have safe relationships with yourself and others. This is an experience you don’t want to miss. 

IFS Book Club  

Every season we will host a book club exploring with a deep dive into the practice of IFS. This is an opportunity to connect with others, deepen your understanding of IFS, as well as leaning new tools to practice IFS.  Join other like-minded people for a deep dive into your internal world and exploration of your parts. 

By utilizing an integrative approach, your treatment will be individualized to meet your needs.  Holistic modalities such as: Internal Family Systems, Somatic Experiencing, and EMDR will be used to target treatment goals and help you to build an overall sense of well being in your life.


I am a trauma focused individual therapist who specializes in working with persons with substance use disorders.  In addition, I enjoy working with athletes that are facing performance related concerns.  As a three-time ironman finisher and a woman in long term recovery, I value the importance of working hard to obtain desired results and find it inspiring to work with others who also possess a strong willingness to make the changes needed to grow. 

At the core of what we do there will be a focus on resilience, both as a process and outcome.  I believe that facing adversity is an opportunity to grow by learning more about yourself and in turn, becoming more resilient. We will work to build emotional, mental, social, physical, and spiritual resilience to enhance greater well being.  

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