Where shame and isolation meet vulnerability and connection
What are IFS Healing Circles:
Trained under the work of Chris Burris, Creating Healing Circles. IFS Healing Circles are a mix of IFS and Psychodrama. The circle will be a safe group format to heal with one another in community.
This work is for you if:
You are committed to your healing and are looking for a community of like-minded people.
You are a helping professional: therapist, coach, or spiritual worker, who would like to go deeper into your own healing.
You are a person in recovery from substance use and are yearning for connection with yourself and others.
You are on a healing journey and would like to connect with others in an open, vulnerable, and authentic way using IFS in a sacred circle.
You have had a spiritual awakening and would like to deepen your connection to your “Spiritual Self”.
What you will learn:
How to identify parts/patterns within your internal system and learn how these patterns show up in relationships.
Learn how to hold space for each other in relationship.
How to speak for your parts vs from your parts
How to access Self Energy. What it means to hold Self Energy.
What safety, connection, and co-regulation are in relationship and why it is important
What to expect:
Each circle begins at the beginning of the season with ceremony to bring in the season. Each session will consist of somatic meditation, parts check in, and a circle. One person will be in the "client" seat and the other participants will either sit in for their parts or hold space and witness. Everyone in the group will be engaged in each others process.
Start date: 09/30, to honor the fall equinox
When: Mondays 5:00 - 6:30PM EST
Duration: 12 sessions, weekly
Where: 15620 Detroit Ave Suite 108, Lakewood, OH
Cost - Sliding Scale 45/60/75 per session (insurance is not accepted)
10% discount if paid in full before 9/30
Many of us are harmed in relationship and find ourselves isolated and alone out of fear of being harmed again. What if we could learn to trust and be vulnerable with each other in a safe container.
Doing group work can bring profound healing that may not occur in a one on one therapeutic relationship. In addition, there is an opportunity to learn how to hold space for others, what it means to have safe relationships, and opportunity for healthy repair.